The basis of the POPI Act

The basis of the POPI Act is that organisations need to conduct themselves responsibly - responsible corporate citizenship. Organisations should not only be responsible, but should be seen to be responsible corporate citizens. Part of this responsibility is to protect the information inside the organisation, to be responsible when it comes to the process of storing and sharing personal information. Personal information is to be seen as precious goods and that the act requires organisations to exercise control over these precious goods.

What constitutes as personal information under the POPI act?

  • Identity or passport number;
  • Date of birth and age;
  • Phone numbers;
  • Email address;
  • Online messaging identities;
  • Physical address;
  • Gender, race and ethnic origin;
  • Photos, voice recordings, video footage;
  • Marital relationship and family relations;
  • Criminal record;
  • Private correspondence;
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs including personal and political opinions;
  • Employment history and salary information;
  • Financial information;
  • Education information;
  • Physical and mental health information including medical history;
  • Membership of organisations.

Download the Protection Of Personal Information Act  HERE
